It's January and we all make resolutions to be healthier or lose weight right??
But who the heck has time to go to the gym when you have kids!?!
They definitely make it tough, but it is doable - just make sure you can get to the gym during childcare hours after you get home from work and before you make dinner and get home in time to give the kids baths and do know the story. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH
But what if you could workout at home after the kids go to bed or before they get up or when they are taking their baths!
Make this the year that you put yourself on the list of people to take care of!! Workout at home, choose from hundreds of different workouts that you can stream in your living room!! Cardio, weights, dancing, Pilates, yoga, booty workouts, Tai Chi, short workout times, longer workout name it, it's probably there!
I'll provide you with meal plans and meal prepping ideas, recipes, time saving tips, encouragement and you'll meet new people to help cheer you on and become friends with!
If you are serious about your resolution this year, there is no better time - workouts and nutrition that can't be beat!!!
Message me but only if you are serious because there isn't much time left to get into the group starting Monday! Do this with me - these kids are killing me with candy! 😉
It doesn't matter where you start, you just have to start.
Be consistent everyday.
It's hard at first, but no one said it would be easy - it's life and life is not easy. Push through and push on.
Believe in you and you will get stronger in mind, body and spirit!
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